One Last Stand is a raiding guild on the Mug'thol (North America) server in World of Warcraft, and is the guild I am currently a part of. We Raid Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and despite common perception among some of our raiders, we begin raid at 8:30pm (CST, -6GMT), and try to wrap it up around Midnight (CST, -6GMT). As of September 21, 2010 we are 2/7 HC, in Firelands. Currently we are in need of some solid reliable Tanks, and some more ranged dps, however we are always willing to entertain talented apps.
One Last Stand was founded by toons transferred from the Muradin server (North America) predominantly from the guild Free With Mats (however there are a handful of old Jubilance Members there!). When it was decided that Muradin just did not have the raiding population to support recruiting efforts for top players the decision was made to transfer. Current GM and Raid Leader is Lewiscypher.